Newshub TV3 report on Saving the Wild’s Australia mission

Newshub TV3 report | Wildlife injured in Australia’s bushfires are now being treated with medical grade manuka honey supplied by Comvita, a New Zealand partner to Africa based charity Saving the Wild.

Saving the Wild Director Jamie Joseph is currently in Australia, travelling around the country in a van packed full of supplies, distributing this life saving manuka to wildlife centres caring for injured and burnt survivors.

“I’ve seen the extraordinary results we have had with our poaching surviviors when vets in Africa use manuka, and so I knew if I coud get it to the survivors in Australia we could really make a difference.”
-Jamie Joseph

Jamie Joseph delivers donated Comvita manuka medical supplies. Photo: Adam Oswell.

Australian wildlife rescue centres treating injured and burnt survivors can send a message to Jamie on instagram (saving_the_wild) if they would like her to deliver manuka medical supplies to their facility.

Follow the journey on Saving the Wild instagram.

READ: Untold stories from the frontline of an apocalyptic wildlife disaster

The vet came to the car and sedated her and he said he would return in five minutes.
It had taken all my strength to hold her legs with every kick. She was ravaged with burns and starved, and still she would die fighting. 
As I looked down at my body covered in ash and blood and sweat, I could feel her heart slowing down. Soon the pain would be over. 
They took her from my arms and told me not to follow them to the death pit.
But I did. I hung back and sat down on the ground and watched a man load the syringe.
One of the other vets walked by and recognized me. “Don’t look,” she said.
“Put your head down.” And so I did.
And finally, after ten days of shock and horror and suffering, I let go,
and my tears soaked the earth.
-Jamie Joseph
Ground Zero – Kangaroo Island, 25 January 2020.